Having that much success with enabling suspend/resume yesterday I was getting bold tonight: I wanted to have the built Thinkpad hard disk protection working too.
There's a lot to be found on this particular topic through Google and the Thinkpad wiki, with solutions ranging from recompiling the kernel, new HDAPSD code to be compiled yourself, alternate TP_Smapi modules, switching to userspace modules and everything in between.
Fact is that a little thing went wrong when porting kernel modules from previous versions of Ubuntu to Intrepid Ibex; alledgedly some were forgotten in the proces. In particular the hdaps_ec module as reported here.
As Intrepid Ibex is, at the time of writing, using kernel 2.6.27-11-generic there still is a need for modules. However, from kernel 2.6.28 onwards tp_smapi and a correctly working HDAPS should be available in any stock kernel.
Having gotten that far, I decided it was prolly best to forget about hard disk protection for the time being. Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is due in a few weeks - april 23rd is the foreseen due date for the final release - and just go from there on. It really is a can of worms you're opening once you try to get hdasp working...
Bit of a disapointment actually, to be honest. I was quite eager to try the knock-knock script to lock/unlock my Thinkpad (and other commands by just knocking on your TP) or the anti-theft alarm based upon the accelerometer ;-)
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14 years ago
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